
More about me.

Hi all, heres a little bit more about me if you would like to know it.

I'm a passionate bird watcher and am getting more and more experienced as time goes by. I'm young and really looking forward to my birding future. I like a little twitching but hate the thought of forgetting the commoner birds too. I have been birding properly for five years or so now (2013 currently) and have managed a respectable 178 birds on my life list so far. by the end of 2013 I want to hit 200 so who knows.

I love sharing my birding views and experiences with other birders so I decided to set up this blog, I will post as many times as I can and will likely post the same day I did the birding I'm posting about. So please keep reading if this blog interests you.

To keep up to date with what I'm doing in the birding world follow me on Twitter by following @WMBB1