
Friday, 11 April 2014

An evening at Belvide

Hi readers, on Thursday evening John Holian offered a trip out with him and Sharon to see the Slavonian Grebe over at Belvide, seen as it was something I had never seen I was happy to tag along. We progressed to Belvide to see the bird. On arrival we joined two other birders who quickly got us onto the bird and you could see it was already in great plumage and not far off being a full summer bird, and when I say not far of it literally was more or less a full summer bird. We walked stealthfully up the Dam and got further and even better views of the bird and really got to see it well. Slavonian Grebe is something I have wanted to see for a while, and they don't turn up to often so it was nice to go and see it especially in the Plumage it was in, as well as the Grebe a few Drake Scaup were a good distance away with a few Goldeneye, plenty of Phesants were also around and a few Swallow. 

So not a bad evening overall, a great species of Grebe I had never seen and a few other good species for the year, Belvide seems to be the place to be at the moment, tones of stuff seems to be turning up there I can only presume it's because it's such a big place. 

Thanks for reading and there should be a post tomorrow as usual who knows what may turn up we shall see. 

Thanks for reading and have a good weekend all- WMBB 

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