
Saturday, 9 May 2015

A Swift Return!

Hi readers, I am back and posting again it has been a while I know but I am back with another post for you to have a read of. This week was an interesting week for me as it is the week of the first vote of my life so I've been thinking very politically over the past few days because I'm taking it more seriously than other may be seen as its the first time I have voted. Casting all the politics aside Sunday as usual was a day for birding and this week we decided to pay a visit to Middleton Lakes to hopefully see a few migrant birds. The visit was a good day out, the weather was in our favor and as a result the birds were showing well also.

So we began the walk over to the main scrape. On the way we had a couple of Common Terns and a Great Spotted Woodpecker, we also managed to see my first Reed Warbler of the year and also heard a Garden Warbler calling which would have been a very good year tick however it didn't seem to want to show so we didn't manage to see it on this occasion. So we continued with our walk round we managed to see a very friendly Robin and Pheasant we also managed to hear the odd Whitethroat on our walk around also. We got onto the new temporary or perhaps permanent path that has formed on the walk by the scrapes. On this path we caught a familiar sound a reeling Grasshopper Warbler the bird was very near to us but as usual we couldn't at all see it. Cetis Warblers were calling in the same area but the area is well renowned for the species so this wasn't to much of a surprise, however still great to hear as the areas we focus on don't attract them in so often.

We were keeping our eyes peeled for any interesting Hirundines flying by initially at this stage in our walk around we saw the usual House Martins, Sand Martins going by. As usual every year we pay a visit to Upton Warren often to see a particular wader species the reserve attracts in, this being the Avocet however this year we didn't have to wait for a visit to Upton to see one, I knew Avocets had been residing at Middleton for a little while this year at most there has been three birds, on our walk around we managed to see two Avocets in total. Who knows maybe they could become a regular at Middleton too. Oystercatchers were in good numbers multiple were flying around all the time we were there I think most probably three birds were around. Greylag Geese were also about something we actually don't see to often.

We spent a big bulk of our time in the hide, on the walk to the hide we had Whitethroat and Sedge Warbler. The hide was surprisingly quiet as a whole we sat around for a while and didn't see as much as we would have expected, we had a single LRP drop in as well as the odd Oystercatcher flying by. Cormorants were in good numbers also with 10+ birds hanging around. Plenty of gulls were around close scanning through them didn't seem to provide and Med or the Little Gull that had been around in recent times. Just before we were ready to leave and make the walk back a welcome return flew through in the form of three Swift's flying by, the first I had seen this year, on walking back we managed to see 5 or 6 birds in total flying up a little higher calling very loudly as they do. A Willow Warbler was also doing the same. Even more so was another Cetis Warbler and this time I was determined to see it so I pursued by staring at a bush for a couple of minutes and my determination actually paid off I managed to see it very briefly but actually very well. Our walk back was pretty quiet as a whole until we managed to bag another great bird in the form of a Black tailed Godwit showing very well the bird was also feeding right in front of a Common Sandpiper. 

As a whole it was a successful day, a good few year ticks seen, we didn't quite see a Gropper but we heard it and that is usually enough, and lets not forget we actually saw, yes saw a Cetis Warbler as well. A successful day as a whole and there should be more successful days coming up, I intend on posting a little sooner than last time so keep an eye out for a post soon.

Thanks very much for reading and good birding- WB

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