
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Saturday birding

Hi readers, yes this week the birding was done on Saturday rather than Sunday and I gotta say it felt really strange going out of our usual routine, staying in on Sunday has been equally as weird. Anyway onto the birding, one thing that didn't change about this weekend was our usual visit to RSPB Sandwell Valley, things were strangely quiet with only the usual birds around, however a nice Little Ringed Plover was around throughout the morning and showed well, along with the Oystercatcher pair as usual. A Water Rail made a quick appearance but sadly I wasn't the person to see it and missed the bird, a raven had been reported by Dad and another person in the hide which means there must have been one in the area all morning yesterday. A couple of Teal still remain along with 2 Shoveler, and multiple Chiffchaff were around thew reserve. Great crested Grebes also seem to be on the rise with 4+ birds being around the lake throughout the morning a good number, similar to this there was 3 Grey heron around to presumably ready for the heronry at Ice house Pool. Here's all of the main sightings,

RSPB Sandwell valley- LRP x1, Oyc x2, Lesser Black backed Gull 5+, Teal x2, Shoveller x2, Cormorant x1, Grey Heron x3, Buzzard 1+, Coot 10+, Mute Swan x2, Canada Goose 10+, Lapwing 5+, Great crested Grebe 4+, Little Grebe x2, Gadwall x3, Chiffchaff (multiple).

Not a bad morning really but very quiet, Wheatear have been around frequently throughout the last few days one even appearing on the main island so I am hoping that one pops up soon. Here's a few shots from the visit,

Grey Heron, one of three yesterday.

You gotta love the old Magpie. 
So after our trip to Sandwell we decided to move a short while up the road to Swan Pool, again very quiet barely anything around the main highlight for me was two Green Woodpeckers flying passed no sign of any Wheatear at all which is something we were expecting. The only real migrant we did actually get was a Chiffchaff which as they all do was calling frequently and something nice to see on our walk around. 

Chiffchaff, Swan Pool
So things looking very quiet on the Sandwell Valley side of things. After looking round Swan Pool we went to get a bite to eat after that we were ready to continue the days birding, and decided to head over to Engine Lane for another look at the Glossy Ibis that has returned again, the truth is we have never seen the bird at Engine Lane, we saw it where it originally was at Goscote lane and then I saw it when it flew into Roost one night at Chasewater but we have never seen it at Engine Lane. 

So eager to see the bird we got over there and were greeted by a group of birds and a stunning GLOSSY IBIS and old friend that had returned for another visit. As time went on it was only us left watching the bird, although other had told us the bird was very friendly we kept our distance so not to startle it, however a passing fishermen had no reason to do so and flushed the bird into a further field, so we walked to there, and after a few minutes the Ibis flew back into the closer field after being flushed by running horses. Stick around the story continues.... 

We were later joined by a family who showed great interest in the bird we stayed watching it for a while until it was flushed yet again this time by a flying over Buzzard, the bird flew right over our heads multiple times and then decided to fly away for good in the direction of Chasewater where I presume it may have roosted, the bird has returned today so its still around. It does seem a lot more weary of people than most have mentioned, so if you go and see it, its best to keep your distance so not to flush it. 

What I want to know is where on earth was the bird in the weeks it disappeared, it must be doing a full circle of certain areas I'm sure at some point the unknown places where it has been residing will be discovered. Anyway here's a few shots of the bird in flight!

Ibis over head!

Nice side on of the bird. 

So not a bad day overall as usual, nice to see the Ibis again after its random return, hopefully it sticks around for just as long as the first time, next week should be back to normal on the birding side of things Sunday is the day as usual. 

Thanks for reading and have a good week all- WMBB

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