
Friday, 4 April 2014

Peregrine Event

Hi readers, I don't always blog about events but on this occasion I think this event deserves a little interest. I'm sure most of you know of the Walsall Town Hall Peregrines who are apparently named Katy and Matthew. There is an event on tomorrow that will be on from 10am till 3pm at the new Art Gallery, from the Walsall Council Website there will be Nest box cams launched tomorrow on the day. Whats better is that a viewpoint will also be arranged in the Gallery so you can get the best views possible of the birds.

I thought I would do a quick post on the event just so you all new a bit more about it, I am thinking about going to it but not entirely sure yet, its nice to see that Councils are trying to help Birds of Prey like the Peregrines and nice to see they are holding events like this to appreciate the birds a little more, so get on over there if you can I'm sure you will all agree with me in saying they are great birds and its great to see them nesting in one of my local towns.

Bellow is a page you can refer to if you are thinking of going to the event, all the details are at this link,

So I hope you all get the chance to go over to the event should be an interesting one and hopefully I will get the opportunity to go. There should as usual be a post on Sunday and if I go for the peregrines one tomorrow to so keep an eye out on here and on Twitter for any posts I have published.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the weekend- WMBB

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